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From the creators of ON THE MAP, the incredible  story of Israeli-African-American basketball star Aulcie Perry. 

"Compelling and Inspiring Portrait of a Singular Life Journey" - The LA Times

International Documentary Film Festival

The United Nations Film Festival picks AULCIE

AULCIE has been honored as an official selection of the 24th United Nations Association Film Festival. One of the oldest Documentary festivals in America, the UNAFF has honored the Universal Declaration of Human Rights for over two decades.

AULCIE continues to win Festival Awards!

International Film Festivals continue to honor Aulcie, including Best Documentary at The Mumbai International Film Awards, the Paris Film Festival, the Toronto Film Magazine Fest and currently semi-finalist at the Barcelona International Film Festival.

International Documentary Film Festival

AULCIE premieres at the Austin Jewish Film Festival

The show must go on! The socially distanced screening and Q&A were held at a drive-in theatre near downtown Austin, TX.

Listen to this Selig Film News interview with Director Dani Menkin as talks about AULCIE, his other films, the difference between directing documentaries and fiction, and his love of Paul McCartney:

AULCIE premieres at the Scottsdale International Film Festival

Watch the virtual Q & A with Director Dani Menkin and Executive Producer Nancy Spielberg, moderated by Executive Producer Ori Eisen.


Jewish Journal interviews  Dani Menkin about AULCIE

"In a time when opinions and actions are highly politicized and divided, Menkin said he thinks it’s the perfect time to remind people of the strong relationship between Black people and Jewish people by sharing Perry’s “wonderful love story with Israel.” "
- Erin Ben Moche, The Jewish Journal


Written and Directed by  Dani Menkin
Year:  2020
72 minutes, English & Hebrew with English subtitles

From the creators of ON THE MAP and Executive Produced by Nancy Spielberg & Jon Weinbach (THE LAST DANCE ) comes the unbelievable story of Aulcie Perry, an African American from the violence-filled streets of Newark, NJ, who finds his glory in leading Israel’s Maccabi basketball team to the European championship, only to descend to drugs and jail time, before finally finding redemption - all this while searching for his biological daughter.

Director, Producer, Writer       
Executive Producers

Dani Menkin

Nancy Spielberg

Jon Weinbach

Ori Eisen

Mirit Eisen

Lati Grobman

Christa Campbell
Avraham Ashkenazi

Patricia Sarah Ashkenazi

Directors of Photography

Jessy Newman

Mark Levy 

Ronan Mayo

Itai Raziel

Sound Design & Mix
Location Sound

Drew Lahat

Assaf Zellner

Philippe Gozlan

Shimshon Yanai

Chris Gubisch

Hey Jude Productions

Hey Jude Productions is a Los Angeles based international film production company, dedicated to telling positive, entertaining and inspiring stories, to better the world. Created by Israeli Academy Award Winner writer/director Dani Menkin, Hey Jude Productions’ multi-award-winning films have been seen around the globe.

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Copyright © Hey Jude Productions

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